The adventurous journey of "CHIPOLBROK ATLANTIC"...

After discharging of its spectaculare heavy cargo at Rotterdam and a remarkable portion of steels at Wismar m/v "CHIPOLBROK ATLANTIC" proceeded to Antwerp for the second part of its somewhat adventure...

Chipolbrok completes epic voyage

Chipolbrok has completed a two-and-half month voyage from Asia to Europe, transporting a variety of oversized cargoes.

New agency in Austria: Hanseatic Break Bulk

Polish Ambassador meets with representatives of Po...

New agency in Belgium - Boeckmans België NV

CP Cosmos

Our CP Cosmos has been reflagged and is now sailing under new name - QIAN KUN

Chipolbrok nominates Neptumar Russia as new bookin...

Please kindly note that with effect as from 1 st of September 2016 Chipolbrok has appointed Messrs Neptumar as Chipolbrok booking agent in the territory of Russian Federation.

Nowowiejski in service

At 1200hrs (0400utc) on 6th Apr.2016, CHIPOLBROK newbuilding vessel m.v Nowowiejski on her maiden voyage got everything ready for sailing in Shanghai Shipyard and came into service. For your informati...

The congratulatory letter of Mr. Marek Gróbarczyk,...

On the occasion of 65th anniversary of the foundation of Chipolbrok, on behalf of the shareholder of Polish side, Mr. Marek Grobalczyk, Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation of Poland sen...

The congratulatory letter of Mr. He Jianzhong, Vic...

General Directors of both sides jointly met with d...

General Director Mr. Liu Shanghai visited Breakbul...

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