Full deck of yachts - mv W.Orkan sailing ex US

W.Orkan yacht shipment

W.Orkan yacht shipment

WŁADYSŁAW ORKAN  -  Deck full of yachts

M/v „WŁADYSŁAW ORKAN„ called during her 75th voyage the port of Chesapeake to take a huge portion of bulk parcel and afterwards took completion cargo from Everglades and Golfito to La Paz, Ensenada and Yokohama
on full weather deck.

Destined to Far East the deck space of roughly 2,000sqm was enough to accommodate a dozen brand new motor yachts densely stowed and safely lashed. After a trip of almost 9,000nm the last yachts will be discharged at Yokohama and bulk cargo goes into a south Chinese port.


There is always vast deck space available on the monthly sailings ex US ports to Far East but also from other loadports in Europe and ex Far East. This could be utilized not only for yachts or other floating equipment but also any other cargo suitable for deck load even if heavy, oversized and awkward.


This type of vessel is equipped with cranes granting a max. lifting capacity of up to 640ts swl. But even of good use to carry empty containers up to max. 1,096TEU, never mind which kind of box being involved. And quite often being entirely occupied by wind power blades being one of the most carried commodities by Chipolbrok.


The owners like to promote especially their services for yacht operators globally because any of the C-P employed vessels has the sufficient space and Masters the know-how doing such sophisticated transports.


Gdynia/Hamburg, 23rd of October 2018 / OP

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